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Some reviews of what the critics have to say about various versions of ARJ, and what they're saying about JAR.

  • ZDNet Deutschland , January 2002. ARJ 2.75a is awarded Shareware of the Year 2001! ARJ is one of the utilities winners. ARJ 2.75a is rated with 5 ZDNet "stars" and 5 user stars.

  • CNET, September 2000. ARJ 2.71 is rated with a 97 percent thumbs up rating by users. ARJ32 3.04 is rated with a 94 percent thumbs up rating.

  •, May 8, 1998. JAR v1.02 was rated a four-star program (out of five). "JAR offers superior size reduction compared with many popular formats and can process archives containing up to 50,000 file names. It can create "chapter" archives that can store dozens of versions of the same backup, allowing individual restores of any one of the individual chapters. Ample documentation is included to explain proper use of this powerful archiver."

  •, April 15, 1998. ARJ v2.60 was rated a five-star program (out of five). "ARJ is a very stable program that comes with excellent documentation and is well-supported by the author. In both speed and final compressed file size, it's neck and neck with the other popular archivers and has a few special options that make it stand out from the crowd. In addition to the standard features of creating, extracting, freshening, and viewing contents, ARJ allows you to span archives across floppies, password-protect archives, create self-extracting archives, recurse directories, merge two archives, and even have two files with the same name in an archive."

  •, October 5, 1997, Most Popular DOS Downloads. ARJ v2.50a was named 2nd most popular utility for the week ending October 5, 1997 and was the only file archiver in the top 14. This was ARJ's 13th week on the list.

  • PC Magazine, October 12, 1993, ARJ: A Worthy Competitor to PKZIP, Barry Simon. "We tested ARJ 2.41a against PKZIP 2.04g ... Overall, PKZIP proved to be faster, but compression results with the two programs were about equal. Where ARJ comes out ahead is in its many options ... ARJ's ability to compress data onto multiple floppy disks is especially good."

  • PC Magazine, March 16, 1993, PKZIP Now Faster, More Efficient, Barry Simon. "One of the more interesting features is the ability to have a .ZIP file span multiple floppy disks, but this feature is not nearly as well implemented as in ARJ."

  • INFO'PC, October 1992, Compression de donn‚es: 6 utilitaires du domaine public, Thierry Platon. In this article, the French magazine awarded ARJ 2.20, the Certificat de Qualification Labo-tests InfoPC.

  • BOARDWATCH Magazine, December 1991, ARCHIVE/COMPRESSION UTILITIES. "This year's analysis rendered a surprise winner. Robert K. Jung's ARJ Version 2.22 is a relatively new compression utility that offers surprising performance. The program emerged on the scene within the past year and the 2.22 version was released in October 1991. It rated number one on .EXE and database files and number two behind LHarc Version 2.13 in our directory of 221 short text files."

  • SHAREWARE Magazine, Nov-Dec 1991, Fall Releases, Joseph Speaks. "Don't tell the creators of ARJ that PKZIP is the standard for data compression. They probably already know. But that hasn't stopped them from creating a data compression utility that makes everyone - even the folks at PKWare - sit up and take notice. ... but compression statistics don't tell the whole story. The case for using ARJ is strengthened by new features it debuts."

  • PC Magazine, October 15, 1991, Squeeze Play, Barry Simon. "Jung has combined that foundation with academic research to produce an impressive product. ... If your main criterion is compressed size, ARJ will be one of your two main contenders, along with LHA."

  • Computer Shopper, September 1991, Shells, Bells, and Files: Compressors for All Cases, Craig Menefee. "ARJ ... is extremely fast and produces excellent compression; it ... has a rich set of options. ... This is a mature technology, and any of these programs will do a fine and reliable job."

  • PC Sources, July 1991, Forum, Barry Brenesal, "A new challenger, ARJ 2.0, not only offers the speed of PKZIP, but also has the best compression rate of the bunch."

  • Computer Personlich, June 12, 1991, Leader of the Pack, Bernd Wiebelt and Matthias Fichtner. In this German magazine, ARJ 2.0 was named Test Sieger (Test Winner) over six other archivers including PKZIP and LHA. Compression, speed, documentation, and features were compared.

Try out ARJ, ARJ32, or JAR, and then send us your own reviews.

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